Figuration: Tutorial
The purpose identified for these videos was to provide step-by-step instruction for how to achieve a certain effect or produce a certain results using Photoshop. Of the 687 videos collected and analysed for this research, the vast majority – 523 – were coded as ‘tutorials’. Tutorial videos reinforce an instrumental/informational understanding of photoshop by drawing attention to step-by-step combinations of features.
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Double Exposure Effect Photoshop Tutorial
Figuration: Tutorial
Dispersion Effect: Photoshop Tutorial
Figuration: Tutorial
Swap Faces In Photoshop
Figuration: Tutorial
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Make Water Drops
Figuration: Tutorial
How To Cut Anything Out in Photoshop
Figuration: Tutorial
Photoshop photo editing
Figuration: Tutorial
Adobe Photoshop Cc Remove:Change Background
Figuration: Tutorial